Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Join Discussion "Simple Living"

You are invited

May 22, 11:45 am

at People's Deli

Join us for an informal lunchtime discussion, on simple living.

Hosted by Rhonda Janke & Valerie Carroll


Annie said...

Hello all,

A couple of folks (myself, Valerie Carroll, and others) would like to start an informal discussion group on simple living philosophies and local/slow food. Our first gathering will be tomorrow, at 12:30 at People's Grocery. We'll meet at the deli, and then either meet at the deli, or get take-out and go to the picnic tables in the park nearby.

Feel free to join in, invite your friends, etc. The time and place of the next gathering will be decided by the folks that come, and we'll announce it on the listerv.


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